Ovation Fertility
Ovation Fertility is proud to contribute to worldwide fertility research, exploring the causes of infertility and developing breakthrough treatments that help families. Our studies uncover new insights and innovative solutions, paving the way for successful outcomes.
Modified Microsecure Vitrification (MS-VTF) Procedure With DMSO-Free Solutions
MicroSecure vitrification (µS-VTF) evolved as a non-commercial, FDA-compliant device integrating sterile flexipettes (300µmID; Cook Medical) into CBS™ embryo straws. The mean cooling rate (1391°C/min) and warming rate (6233°C/min) of this closed, aseptic VTF system were verified by Dr. Greg Fahy (Schiewe et al., 2015). In 2014, CBS removed traditional hydrophobic plugged embryo straws from the worldwide marketplace, being replaced by 0.3ml semen straws.
Artificial Intelligence: Non-Invasive Detection of Chromosomal Abnormalities
Embryonic chromosomal abnormalities are known to lead to implantation failure, pregnancy loss, severe chromosomal diseases (e.g. Down and ATR-16 syndromes) and have recently been associated with developmental disorders including Autism1. One of the major limitations of PGT-A analysis by traditional genetic analysis is the presence of chromosomal mosaicism within the developing embryo2.
Sperm DNA Fragmentation (SDF) Was Most Effectively Improved by a Sperm Separation Device Compared to Different Gradient and Swimup Methods
This was a prospective study to compare different commercially available sperm preparation techniques on the same semen sample to determine which methods most effectively improves sperm DNA fragmentation index (DFI) and other sperm health biomarkers, such as oxidative stress adducts (OSA) and high DNA stainability (HDS) index.
Current Laboratory Standards for Assessing Vitrified-Warmed Blastocyst Viability Fail to Accurately Predict Their Implantation Potential
Do current standard assessments of vitrified-warmed embryo survival and cellular viability accurately predict blastocyst functionality post-transfer? Do all embryos deemed viable at 3hr sustain development?
46,XX Male? Reality, PGT-A Misdiagnosis or Laboratory Quality Management Error?
Does a mid-term ultrasound of a confirmed male fetus derived from a single non-mosaic euploid 46,XX blastocyst transfer definitely imply a laboratory error occurred?
Suboptimal Oocyte Cohort Maturity Impairs the Implantation Potential of Euploid Blastocysts
Ovarian hyperstimulation protocols yielding reduced oocyte maturity rates(<70%) are associated with lower (P<0.05) blastocyst development, euploidy and implantation rates, likely correlated to incomplete cytoplasmic maturation.
Prospective Observational, Comparative and Validation Study Using a Timelapse Morphometry MIRI® Imaging Incubator
Previous studies have shown no difference in blastocyst formation, viability and ongoing pregnancy rates between other commercially available time-lapse incubators and standard large-box incubators1,2. We conclude similar observations in this randomized comparative validation study with the Miri® TL Incubator and standard large-box incubators.
Comparing PGT-A results from embryos cultured in a new formulation of culture medium against those embryos cultured in a sequential or single-step culture system
This study was a retrospective analysis of embryos created from 2016 to 2018 in two separate IVF laboratories. Embryos were either cultured to the blastocyst stage in a sequential culture system (G-Series™, Vitrolife), Continuous Single Culture® (CSCM) or Continuous Single Culture®- NX (CSCM-NX) (Irvine Scientific®).
Transfer of Completely Hatched Euploid Blastocysts Results in Significantly Lower Pregnancy Outcomes Compared to Euploid Expanded or Hatching Blastocysts
In frozen embryo transfers with euploid, good morphologic quality embryos, completely hatched blastocyts at the time of transfer resulted in a significantly lower pregnancy success compared to the transfer of expanded or hatching blastocysts.
Blastocystmorphometryis Predicted by the Diameter of the Originating Ovarian Follicle
Among formed blastocysts, those derived from small ovarian follicles (<16mm) tend to have inferior morphometry (smaller ICM or fewer TE cells) when compared to those derived from larger ovarian follicles. This suggests that transfers of blastocysts derived from small follicles might have increased risk of inferior outcomes due to inferior morphometry and morphology. These differences may clarify relationships between folliculogenesis and embryogenesis.
Blastocyst Aneuploidy as a Function of the Diameter of the Originating Ovarian Follicle
Among blastocysts selected for biopsy, the diameter of the originating follicle was not a significant predictor of embryo ploidy.
The Effect of Ovarian Follicle Size on the Formation of Good Quality Blastocysts
Mean follicle diameter predicted formation of good-quality blastocysts, with a plateau starting at 16mm and with no significant evidence of diminution in good-quality blastocyst formation rate even beyond 28mm mean diameter.
Concordance Rates Among Multiple Trophectoderm Samples and ICM Remain High Proving the Efficacy of NGS for Preimplantation Genetic Screening
Are human blastocysts homogeneous for chromosomal copy number between multiple samples of the trophectoderm and does trophectoderm ploidy accurately predict ICM ploidy?
Comparative Effectiveness of a Universal Warming/dilution Approach to Blastocyst Vitrification
Human blastocysts vitrification is equally effective using a simple sucrose step down dilution approach independent of the type of cryoprotective agent used.
Increased Scrutiny of NGS Profiles / Ranking Does Not Improve eSet Implantation of Euploid Blastocysts: a Randomized Comparative Trial
Can NextGeneration sequencing (NGS) profile ranking of euploid embryos better predict eSET implantation potential of top quality blastocysts in contrast to morphological grading alone.
Euploid Rate of Embryos Derived From Aspirated and Ejaculated Sperm
Micro-surgical sperm aspiration procedures (PESA and TESE) followed by ICSI and PGS are all suitable approaches for treating azoospermia (Weng, 2014). The choice of surgical procedure is based on the cause of azoospermia: non-obstructive azoospermia (NOA) or obstructive azoospermia (OA).
Induced Cellular Lysis and Increased Laser Exposure During Trophectoderm Biopsies Can Generate Low-level Mosaic Profiles: a Prospective Study
Prospective induction of cellular damage on research aneuploid embryos revealed a positive correlation to mosaicism, suggesting that mosaicism can be a laboratory created artifact.
Classification and Clustering of Human Sperm Swimming Patterns
The principal observed that the progressive swim types of sperm cells are linear mean and circular swim. Using motility characteristic parameters produced by CASA systems, we performed a parameter subset search to produce distinct clusters of the different swim types.
Using target tracking algorithms with human sperm to assessing male fertility
Human sperm motility analysis is a key method in assessing male fertility. It was suggested that the performance of automatic sperm motility analysis systems can be enhanced by adopting multi-target tracking algorithms developed originally for radar technology. We reviewed and appraised several target tracking algorithms operating on synthetic and actual sperm images, and compared their performance.
Patients of Advanced Maternal Age Should Only Transfer a Single Euploid Blastocyst
Independent of age, when using euploid blastocysts, we believe that SET should be adopted as the standard of care for clinics utilizing PGS. This is especially true for the first ET attempt by patients of advanced maternal age to optimize implantation rates and reduce the potential wastage of precious euploid embryos.